Home > Little Bit of Financial Housekeeping

Little Bit of Financial Housekeeping

May 2nd, 2011 at 01:34 am

I received $2.58 interest for the month of April from ING.

$627.36 beginning EF
+--2.58 interest added
$629.94 new EF balance

I received $7.07 interest for the first quarter at my local credit union which also goes to the EF.

$629.94 beginning EF
+--7.07 interest added
$637.01 new EF balance

I found 83 cents in change out at the house today so that went into the change jar and will eventually go to the EF. I keep expecting not to find anymore coins, but I swear they are everywhere. These ones were found on the floor by the piano under a pile of stuff we packed today. DH used to empty his pockets and leave his change on top of the piano, so I guess it shouldn't be that surprising of a location.

The house is pretty much done. We've got packing boxes and some rubbermaid bins that need to be brought in to storage and of course a major cleaning job to do. I'm debating on hiring some professionals to do it. There is a company that goes in after renters move out and do a total deep clean thing, which is what I want so I'll have to check into that and see if they just do it for landlords or if they'll do it for regular property owners as well.

I discovered today that only the backsplash behind the kitchen sink needs to be replaced and not the actual counter top behind the sink so that will save some major dollars. Oh, shoot, I just remembered I forgot to start the last load of dishes in the dishwasher before we left. I guess I'll have to do that first thing when I go out again.

I need to balance the checkbook tonight, but from a rough estimate, I have about $800 for the next two weeks. Which will more than cover everything that comes up.

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