Home > Time is Flying for Us

Time is Flying for Us

May 1st, 2011 at 07:18 pm

I can't believe it's May already. Where has the time gone? Does anyone else feel like this year is just whizzing past? Certainly feels that way to me. Maybe it's because we are accomplishing so many financial goals this year. Does time drag on when you are dreading your debt payments instead of looking forward to paying them off? I think it probably does. Making progress speeds up time or something like that.

DH told me that there is a possibility of another job on the horizon. It would basically be the boss of the position he's in now. And it would come with a 33.3% or more raise. I'm not going to count that chicken until it hatches, but of course my mind couldn't help dreaming a little. It would put him back on 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off which means even more than the wage increase.

I hate 3 weeks on, three weeks off with a passion. It is hard on the kids, hard on me, and hard on the budget because I have to budget on a six week pay cycle and not on a four week one, so some bills get paid twice in one pay cycle and if I'm not tightly organized it messes up everything. To not have to deal with that and go back to a monthly budget would be awesome.

The only problem I can forsee is that though this job is the boss of his current position it is with a different company subcontracting to the main company, which means a change in benefits (again) and a possible Cobra. He's not sure how far in the future this would be but if we're lucky it would be after I have my surgery.

I don't want to try to do a pre-existing condition thing there. I want it over with before, so hopefully it'll work out like that. I don't know. It depends on how soon Virginia Mason can get me in for surgery after the initial consult at the end of May. I guess though with the dramatic income jump we'd at least be able to afford the Cobra payments and the medical payments.

I know it's a little early to be planning, but please Santa, all I want for Christmas is a healthy body, kay? Thanks.

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