Okay, this is a second entry mostly just because I don't want to talk about food and plumbing in the same post. Major ick factor.
Anyway, DH and I went to the store today and bought five picnic hams at $1.29 per pound. We spent $41.89 for 32 and a half pounds of meat. They are all the perfect size for the crockpot. We will go back tomorrow and get more. We cleaned out the ones that were the appropriate size, but there were plenty of medium and larger sized cuts left. They probably won't go on sale again until Thanksgiving time, so I am doing a major stock up. Ideally I'd like to have about 20 hams in the freezer.
I'm borrowing $100 from the laptop fund to purchase more hams and will replace it out of next month's grocery budget. It is just too good a deal to pass up, but I don't want to totally wipe out the food budget for the next 3 weeks.
DS is starting to feel better. His tonsils are still swollen, but they are going down finally. He probably still won't go to school tomorrow, but will likely go on Friday. The long strep test came back negative, too. So we don't have to worry about that anymore, except paying the lab bill when it comes.
Breakfast and lunch today was eating up a bunch of leftovers, though we did drink milk at breakfast so $2.
Chicken ($5.21)
Corn (.89)
Purple cabbage (.69)
Milk ($2)
Total: $8.79
Total for day $10.79
Great Ham Sale So Stocking Up
April 21st, 2011 at 03:29 am
April 21st, 2011 at 06:03 am 1303362223
April 21st, 2011 at 08:32 am 1303371157
April 21st, 2011 at 06:04 pm 1303405458