I don't know. Sometimes I have a hard time dealing with people who aren't willing to take responsibiliy for their own actions. As someone who accrued a lot of debt (most of it for medical, but some of it not), I know and my husband knows, that we are responsible for paying off that debt because we incurred it. Yes, I may hate the evil credit card companies, but I don't blame them for the fact that we chose to use them. I don't blame them for the fact that we are in debt. I don't blame them for our decisions. We made them. We live with them. It is not their fault we are in the debt we are in. It is clearly ours.
I guess what is getting to me is that there was a post in the forums today. Someone wrote in about how they had been late paying their credit card a few times and eventually their credit card got closed by their credit union. Because of this their credit union "messed up" their credit. This really irked me. Umm...no, their failure to pay their credit card on time more than once messed up their credit. It doesn't matter if they were never more than 30 days late on a payment (justification), late is late is late. Why is any of this the credit union's fault? It's not. They did it all on their own. Take some responsibility. Own your choices. Don't blame your situation on others.
End Rant.
Little Bit of a Personal Responsibility Rant
April 20th, 2011 at 01:40 am
April 20th, 2011 at 02:47 am 1303264027
April 20th, 2011 at 03:13 am 1303265619
That said, I don't think people realize they're sounding entitled and misguided. I think they genuinely feel that out of control of their finances, that when things like this happen it feels like victimization. So I do have some sympathy because it's not really people's fault that they just can't comprehend it.