...or why does paying a large amount of taxes feel like death? It felt awful to do it, but it had to be done. I transferred the tax money from the ING account to my local CU so that we can send in our tax bill on Friday. I am grateful we had the money to do it, but I hate how low the emergency fund is now.
This is the first year we have ever had to pay extra taxes and it does not feel good. Even though we knew it was coming because of the contract buyout, I still don't like it. Still, at least we are prepared and that's more than half the battle. And on the bright side this shouldn't happen again. It was a unique circumstance.
And when May comes I will be able to put a decent amount back in the EF and get it out of the triple digits and back into the quadruple digits. It'll be a few insecure weeks until we do. Especially since we pay property tax on the 30th and that means another reduction in cash on hand.
I keep forgetting to post my meal planning, but I am doing it. Here is today's:
Pancakes (.50)
Homemade syrup (.05)
Eggs (free from chickens)
Milk ($1.50)
Total $2.05
--2 kids
deli meat sandwiches ($2)
orange (.50)
apple (.40)
plain potato chips (.50)
TV dinner ($2)
Total $5.40
Turkey legs ($6.43)
Baked sweet potatoes (.69)
Broccoli/Cauliflower (1.29)
Milk ($1.50)
Total: $9.91
Total for day: $17.36
There will be leftover turkey and veggies for future meals.
DH comes home tomorrow so food expenses will go up for the next 3 weeks.
Death and Taxes...
April 12th, 2011 at 11:23 pm
April 13th, 2011 at 04:38 am 1302665923
April 14th, 2011 at 12:28 am 1302737283