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More Meal Planning

March 8th, 2011 at 04:56 am

The buns I made turned out beautifully, but my bread fell. My mother was up there banging around, slamming cupboard doors, so of course it fell. She's worse than my ten year old sometimes. It's still edible, tastes good in fact, but it's just a lot shorter than I was expecting it to be. Oh, well. I'll try to bake it when she's out of the house from now on. She wasn't even mad or anything she's just a slammer and a stomper by nature. Some people sound like a herd of elephants walking down the stairs. She's one of those.

If it hadn't have been good I'd have just used it to make bread stuffing or French toast or something other than for sandwiches. I would not throw it out even though it's only 50 cents to make it. The good bread (the kind without corn syrup or raisin juice for sweetening) is just too expensive at $4.50 a loaf. Even on a really good sale it's 2/$5.

Prices have taken a big jump this week, I noticed. I'm sure it has to do with gas prices skyrocketing. I'm glad we have plenty of potatoes, onions, carrots, apples, and oranges right now. We do have to pick up bananas tomorrow but they are still (fortunately) on sale. We may have to cut our milk consumption back to once a day if the milk gets too much higher. I've got a lot of cheese stockpiled so I'm not too worried about calcium.

I'm also glad we have plenty of chicken, hamburger, fish and pot roast in the freezer and lots of canned goods in the cupboard. I don't have to buy any of that at least until April. I will definitely really be keeping an eye on the leftovers and meal planning with the best of them. I do need to buy flour though and soon.

Tomorrow's meals:

Blueberry muffins (.79)
Eggs (free from chickens)
Milk ($2)

Total: $2.79

2 kids--
1 PB and Honey sandwich (.50)
1 turkey ham and pastrami sandwich ($1)
1 orange (.50)
1 apple (.50)
goldfish crackers (.50)

2 adults
Egg salad sandwiches (.50)
banana (.25)

1/2 can leftover TJ's chicken noodle soup
orange (.50)
1 PB and homemade blackberry jelly sandwich (.50)

Total: $4.75

Spaghetti with homemade sauce--
--1 pound spaghetti (.99)
--2 tomatoes (.97)
--2 cans tomato sauce ($2)
--2 small cans tomato paste ($1)
--1 cup onions, diced (.25)
--1 tbsp garlic, minced (.25)
--herbs (.25)
--hamburger (1.73)
--1 tbsp garlic, minced (.25)
--1/3 cup cheddar (.75)
--1/3 cup parmesan ($1)
--1/3 cup romano ($1)
Milk ($2)

Total: $12.44

Total for day: $19.98. A litle high but there will be at least two days worth of spaghetti leftovers for lunches for me and DH and there will be leftover sauce and meatballs for making meatball sandwiches for dinner one night.

4 Responses to “More Meal Planning”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Sounds good. We will have to keep each other posted on how the prices are all around the country. Yummy menu!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Go You! I am finding much inspiration from reading your menus!!! So glad youre back on a regular basis again!!

  3. Jane Says:

    I love reading your meal plans! I find it very interesting that you calculate cost by meal. I've also noticed food prices starting to creep up- it's very noticeable as creature of habit who always buys pretty much the same things!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'm glad people are liking the meal plans. I'm always afraid they'll bore other people, but they really help me keep the grocery budget on track.

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