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Where we stand for the Week

February 24th, 2011 at 09:36 am

Everything that was paid last week has finally been posted to all accounts so I can finally do an update.

$20,895.77 BoA VISA
$+4,342.92 BoA MC
$25,238.69 Total Debt owed to the Evil Empire

$25,561.64 Previous Total Debt owed to the Evil Empire
-25,238.69 Minus New Debt
$00,322.55 Difference paid off

Yeah it doesn't seem like much when you put it like that, but we are making an additional payment of $1000 and this time all of it will be going to paying off old debt. Because we use the one card for airfare and work travel expenses, which are around $1000 per pay cycle and the interest on the one card is around $400, most of that $1500 payment I made goes to that with just about $100 going towards old debt. This $1000 will all go towards paying down old debt and not the newly incurred stuff. The other 222.55 was paying down the MC which after this month will have no new charges being made on it. It'll be under $4000 after next month's payment. By the end of March the VISA will be firmly under $20,000 I believe.

DH checked for me and the amount still owed on the car is $16,346.70, so next month's payment should bring it down under $16,000.

The mortgage is down to 21,778.32. It has dropped by $274.78. Over 2/3rd of our payments are going to principle now and less than 1/3 to interest. If we were still living there I'd probably be pushing it a lot harder than I am. I figure it'll get paid off in the eventual sale of the house and it's not one I stress on.

Aside from the money we owe to Mom, every acount has gone down since last month. Her money comes out Friday and then we'll se another good drop in total debt owed. I'll right that all up nicer than this once that goes through.

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