Home > Yesterday was a Long Day, but Much was Accomplished

Yesterday was a Long Day, but Much was Accomplished

February 6th, 2011 at 06:12 pm

After lunch we dumped the kids off with DH's parents and borrowed their truck, put $30 worth of gas into it and took it out to our old house. We managed to get almost everything packed up. There are two cupboards left to clean out in the laundry room and kitchen and then the sorting area in the living room and the cupboard under the bathroom sink in the kids' bathroom. Then from there on out it's just cleaning the inside of the house up.

We still have to clean off the clutter trap that is the front porch so I can call the piano movers and get the piano moved to town. Not sure how much that's going to cost but it was $75 five years ago when we moved it in so I'm figuring with inflation and the cost of gas these days it'll be closer to $100, though we won't be moving it quite as far as before, 25 miles as opposed to 40.

We also have to finish cleaning out the shed. Everything is boxed and ready to go to storage and it will take at least two runs with the truck. Altogether I think we have about three runs left to completely empty everything out of both buildings. Then we will have one, if not, two dump runs to make and have to call someone to come take away the old chest freezer for recycling.

I found 70 cents while cleaning and added it to the coin jar.

2 Responses to “Yesterday was a Long Day, but Much was Accomplished”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Whew! Lot of work!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Exactly what I was going to say, Joan!

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