Home > Feeling Somewhat Better

Feeling Somewhat Better

February 3rd, 2011 at 05:40 am

I am feeling somewhat better now. My nose has mostly unclogged and I can breathe out of both nostrils again so that is a positive step forward. I still feel a bit dizzy and a little weak but I should be able to start cooking again. Today was a rough it day again, with DH muddling through. We had the other box of gluten free frozen waffles we found when we did our freezer inventory last month and scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Waffles ($4)
Powdered sugar (.10)
Scrambled eggs (free from chickens)
Milk ($2)
Total $6.50


2 kids
PB&J sandiches ($1)
Apple ($1)
Orange (.50)
baggy potato chips (.50)
baggy natural Cheetos (.50)

TJ's brand spaghettio's ($1.50)
2 hot dogs ($1)

Can of TJ's chicken noodle soup ($1)
Salad with dressing (.50)
Glass of orange juice ($1)

Total Lunch $8.50

Box of shells ($1.29)
Ground Beef ($2.29)
Homemade taco seasoning (.50)
Cheddar Cheese ($1)
Lettuce (.50)
Milk ($2)
Quart of homemade canned peaches from aunt (free)
Total: $7.58

DD has the assignment of writing down and cooking a recipe for her cooking and nutrition class on Friday so she will make dinner tomorrow night but I will be there to talk her through it. We will make spaghetti with my special sauce. I've got an onion that needs to be used so it'll be perfect.

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