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Emergency Fund Deposit and Small Extra Payment

February 2nd, 2011 at 11:43 pm

I sent $100 off to ING today to add to the Emergency fund.

$6031.35 ING account
+0100.00 Transfer amount
$6131.35 Total ING amount
$2068.65 Safety Net at local CU
$8200.00 Total Emergency Fund

I probably ought to transfer that $68.65 of the Safety Net over to ING since it makes more in interest there, and I feel comfy with only having $2000 in the safety net, but I wasn't thinking about that when I made the transfer. I'll do it next time I make a transfer.

Made a mini-payment to BoA of $86.16, just to chip away a little bit more at what we owe. We won't get paid again until February 18th. I have $800 left for six days. $450 is set aside for bills that come due between now and then (cell, insurances, storage). $200 is set aside for groceries. $150 is for miscellaneous expenses, like gas or anything I forgot about. Anything left over when payday hits will go to the laptop fund and the EF depending on how much there is.

I should only need to buy milk, fresh fruit and veg. We still have plenty of meat in our freezer, but we will be using the $40 gift card to Safeway to buy meat. Either whole chickens or beef potroasts (or if they aren't too expensive picnic hams). I need something for Sundays for the crockpot.

1 Responses to “Emergency Fund Deposit and Small Extra Payment”

  1. mamas debt time out Says:

    Wow, it's really neat you have an emergency fund. I am at the beginning stages of paying the debt and hope to be where you are eventually.

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