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Major Sale on Meat

August 12th, 2007 at 07:08 am

I went grocery shopping tonight. They were having one of their big sales, where if you buy meat in quantities of ten pounds or more, you get it deeply discounted. I got:

14.1 pounds of turkey legs for $13.95
13.44 pounds of ground beef for $18.55
10.93 pounds of beef ribs for $10.83
10.1 pounds of mixed pork chops for $9.11
2.5 pounds of turkey ham for $4.60

So 51.07 pounds of meat for $57.94, giving me an average cost of $1.12 per pound. Yee Haw, Baby! Now if someone would just have a good chicken sale, I'd be set for a nice long while. Oh, and maybe a seafood sale, too.

Rose and I spent about 30 minutes dividing up everything into Ziploc baggies for the freezer. Except the ribs which were partially frozen and will need to thaw for at least a day. That's okay. I ran out of gallon size Ziploc's anyway and will be doing a Costco run on Monday, by which time they should be thawed enough to seperate and cut up. I'm happy because my meat stocks were getting quite low.

1 Responses to “Major Sale on Meat”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    That sounds like a good deal!!

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