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A Little This. A Little That

August 6th, 2007 at 02:42 am

Okay, so my major goals for today were to:

1. Create a new budget spreadsheet with the new net amount for September on
2. Create a new temporary savings account spreedsheet for short term saving up
3. Balance my checkbook (yes, the one I was supposed to balance 3 or 4 days ago, can you say procrastinate)

So the good news is that I managed to do all three things today. I like making my own spreadsheets because no software company makes anything that comes near to what I want to have. They are either too complicated, have the most bizarre or stupid categories, or simply the wrong ones, or they just don't do what I want them to. Plus, why spend the money on it when I have the skills to create exactly what I want? Seems silly.

My new budget had 30 items on it and I'm pretty sure I didn't forget anything. I think I also overtargeted for a few items, but that leaves wiggle room and I like wiggle room, you know?

When all is said and sifted, I have a budget surplus of about $300 a month. Clothing and other miscellaneous items will come from out of this surplus. Everything else gets its own category.

The temp savings spreadsheet is for keeping track of things that don't have monthly due dates, like medical, property tax, dues, insurance, propane, water/sewer, etc. I divided my yearly amounts by 12 and then each month I will put that amount away in the temp savings fund, so that when it comes due that money is sitting in savings waiting to be paid out.

I used to do this all the time before the old medical crisis that screwed my life over. I had forgotten how secure having everything laid out before me, little numbers in little rows and columns, made me feel. Instead of being afraid to face the numbers, I now know where each thing belongs. In a way it makes the power of debt not quite so overwhelming.

Of course, it helps when it is all clearly laid out and there is enough money to work with to not be in the red. It helps a lot.

2 Responses to “A Little This. A Little That”

  1. carol Says:

    I agree it does help a lot when you know where the money is going and you are in charge of the money, not the money in charge of you. Here's hoping you are feeling better these days.

    I my case, it took the catastrophic event of someone putting a .22 short bullet into my Siamese cat's face to get me off my you know what and get motivated about coming up with a budget(in my case it was the cash envelope system). Cloud survived the night, survived the $250 jaw repair surgery and recovery period, but believe me, after that awful event, I got 100% serious about budgeting and saving.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Yes, I remember reading about Cloud Warrior and your subsequent commitment. I still can't believe someone would do that to a cat. Well, actually yes, I can. But not somebody normal.

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