Home > Rolled Coin

Rolled Coin

June 6th, 2007 at 12:52 am

I rolled coin today and I have a total of $18 to deposit tomorrow. I never made it to the bank to deposit the $5.50 last time I rolled coin so that is now part of the $18. It will be added to my vacation fund account. There is also a $5 pinecone deposit that was made that I have not added in to the total.

$308.50 Old balance
18.00 rolled coin
+ 5.00 survey
$331.50 New balance

$368.50 left to save to meet my goal of $700, so almost to the halfway point. Lodging is paid for already and has a full kitchen. Some food we will bring with us and some we will buy on the island. We can only take certain items across the border, but we know where a good grocery store is just outside of Victoria. We will have one meal out per day and visit at least five attractions. Just under two months left to save it up.

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