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Missing Pages and Blog Maintenance

April 8th, 2007 at 10:55 pm

I wish the first 11 days of my blog hadn't gone missing for the last several months. I think they are well and truly lost. I don't think I can make a bigger pest of myself about it, I've inquired three or four times, but nothing has ever come of it. So I must consider them gone, absorbed into the void of cyberspace as if they were an email sent from Yahoo.

This is kind of a bummer for me, as April 9th is coming tomorrow and I had wanted to go back to my first entry and see how far I'd come in the past year. Disappointing, but I'll get over it, I know.

I think I finally have my blog colors the way I want them. I had to play around for about an hour until I settled on what I like. Well, what I really liked was a combination of really bright blues and really bright pinky purple, but put them together and they were really quite garish, so no. I toned it down a good bit and I think its a nice combination now and shouldn't make anyone want to put their eyes out on seeing it. I mean, anymore than one normally does on reading my entries.

What I am really doing here is procrastinating and taking a bit of a break from the house. But it keeps calling me, literally as the buzzer on the dryer has gone off three times now. So back to it, I suppose.

4 Responses to “Missing Pages and Blog Maintenance”

  1. baselle Says:

    It might be a couple of shots in the dark, but if you know you wrote about some unique things, you might want to use the search function for words. For instance, I wrote that I put on a vinyl record in my second entry, so a search for the word "vinyl" brought it up. Also, it seems like I can access old blog entries through Categories. I agree though, you can't do it by Archives. Frown

  2. jeffrey Says:

    Nate is aware of the problem and working on it.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Thanks, Jeffrey. I never did get a message back from him on that thing.

    Baselle--Thank you, thank you, thank you! I found it under uncategorized as it was probably a month before I figured out how to work my blog controls. This so pays me back for the Rolleyes discovery!

  4. baselle Says:

    Looks like Nate fixed it - I clicked on my Aug 2005 and got them all.

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