Home > Bonus Check

Bonus Check

March 6th, 2007 at 04:05 am

DH's bonus check came in the mail today. DH says they made a big error in how much they took out in taxes, they took out 10 times the amount they should have. They did it to everyone, so there will be another check issued for the additional amount probably with the next payroll. So for the time being we have $600 check that will go to savings, but is earmarked for DH's continuing education. The company does reimburse for tuition but not until the end of semester when grades are issued. They reimburse 100% for A's and 90% for B's. But we still have to come up with the initial amount to get started.

DH isn't sure when he will get started. He wants to make sure things get rolling with the promotion and his new job responsibilities before he takes on more school work. He'll be doing it correspondence again with an accredited school. So the money will stay in savings for awhile earning interest.

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