Home > X-Ray 101

X-Ray 101

February 7th, 2007 at 02:27 am

Technically it was a CT scan, but not the kind you have to drink barium for. The kind they inject you with radioactive dye for. So I still ended up being shot up with glow in the dark juice and run through the giant Livesaver.

Probably won't know anything until next week as my doctor has picked this week to go on vacation, so even if the results are in before that, I won't get them. Oh, well.

It was an easy enough procedure, but I am very tired from it anyway. I'm not sure why. Glad to have it out of the way. I did not have to pay a co-pay, which was nice. I'll have to pay some. I've had 2 doctor's visits so far this month but my deductible is $200, so I'll be in it for at least $50 or $60. But won't have to pay it out of this pay cycle, it'll come out of the next one.

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