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More Family Dynamics: Worse Than I Thought

February 4th, 2007 at 07:16 am

I thought buying the dog was dumb when they couldn't pay the phone bill. SIL called up DH tonight and they have had their cable shut off, their internet shut off, their gas is going to be shut off this week, the garbage company came and took away their garbage can, they lost their alarm system monitoring, they are behind on their power bill and on their mortgage. So they very well may lose their house now. And they bought a dog.

Guess the big screen TV and the house full of new furniture was a big mistake last summer. What were they thinking with? Because I know it wasn't their brains.

DH said when he got off the phone that he just wanted to smack his sister upside the head and ask her if she even had a tiny smidgeon of common sense in her head or not.

I made him call her back and at least tell her about the plasma donation place and give her the phone number, between the two of them maybe they can earn $400 a month extra. Although I don't know if they will qualify as blood donors, they have both had a very, shall we say promiscuous history, including a visit from the STD fairy on more than one occassion. I'm not sure if that would disqualify them or not.

Really, a modicum of common sense could have kept them from this situaion. Now they will probably have to move back in with MIL and FIL. If they'll let them and they probably will for the sake of the girls, even though they don't want them.

Trying to find an apartment that will take a convicted felon is pretty impossible around here. The only reason they had an apartment before they got the house was because they were living there at the time of the conviction. I don't know if those property owners would allow them to move back, either. They kind of burned some bridges.

I feel somewhat sorry for them, but I'm also thinking they made their bed, they'll never learn if you don't make them lie down in it. They can't do bankruptcy again, its too soon. And they didn't learn anything from it the first time. I'm so tired of their bad financial choices.

3 Responses to “More Family Dynamics: Worse Than I Thought”

  1. Amber Says:

    I was reading your blog and thought wow I have a friend that your SIL might be related to. Her cable is off, phone and light bill are behind, and if I am not mistaken so is her rent. Her car was repossed last December (mind you she had already had a car but decided she wanted a Lexus truck that she thought she deserved because whe worked hard and within two months was behind on the car payment)and she is now planning a trip to Jamaica. Her plan is to take her takes and pay towards her I know this is a joke. It amazes me where people's priorities are. I know that I made some mistakes but I turned it all around last January and now I have no cc debt, some money saved and trying to do things the right would think that she would say since Amber is doing it why not me, but nooooo she invites me on a trip to Europe, where does she get the money if every thing else is off or behind? What I have notice about her is that when every I talk about finances and the progress I have made she never says that's great but she will change the subject. So I hope she enjoys that trip to Jamaica because I know when she gets back after two weeks she will hate she went

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I guess you just can't reason with some people. They don't learn.

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    And these people are allowed to parent??? Gosh & Golly!!! Too bad for the kiddos when the parents screw up!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

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