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Didn't Spend as Much as I Planned

February 2nd, 2007 at 12:15 am

I went to the doctor this morning and left with 2 prescriptions and an x-ray appointment for next week. I picked up the medication for $35. I was going to go to Costco today but I couldn't as I got stuck in the aftermath of a horrific car accident. The KING vultures, I mean the TV helicopter people, were circling overhead for at least an hour, so those of you in Seattle may see this on your local news.

Two kids were racing at 80 mph, and what usually happens on a busy 5 lane main highway when 16 year olds do something stupid, happened. One of them hit another car. Only worse. One of the cars ended up on fire. And they said somebody died, but not the driver from the innocent person's car. If that boy lives he is going to have a lifetime of scars to remember his actions by, not to mention a death on his heart.

I saw the wreckage. I smelled the gasoline and the acrid air. I don't know how anyone lived. Through the grace of God and the good samaritans that got everyone out before the paramedics came. I can't tell you how awful it really was to see it. Enough to make me start crying. When I see things like this I react with a mother's heart. I sent up a prayer for their families.

I'm glad I wasn't there earlier when it happened. I easily could have been. That's the way I usually drive to town when I go to the doctor, but I felt unusually strongly like going a different route today. More than that, really. Almost a refusal to go that way. Past experience has taught me to always listen to that feeling. I really don't like it when that happens and then I find out something like this later. Spooks me out for days afterwards. But better that then the alternative.

So needless to say, I didn't go to Costco today. Maybe tomorrow.

4 Responses to “Didn't Spend as Much as I Planned”

  1. baselle Says:

    It hit the 6 o'clock local news down here - at least on KIRO. The wreckage was ... impressive. It must have been a heck of a thing to drive past. The news story reported that the driver still alive claimed that it was not a race. I wonder if that was true or a 16 yr old's way of dodging responsibility.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Always listen to your heart!!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    The other "racing" driver left the scene, so I'm not sure his version is any more reliable than he is. But he did tell his dad about it and his dad told him to talk to the police and he did. I don't know how he can say that, there were so many witnesses. If they weren't racing, what were they doing, keeping each other company in adjoining lanes at 80 mph? He's probably in total denial. Understandable when he walked away and another person died, but he'll be forced to deal with it by the police if by no one else, I think.

  4. Sunshine Suz Says:

    Our family calls "Those feelings" FOG.....Finger of God!

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