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Laundry Room is Clean!

January 13th, 2007 at 03:24 am

Sorry that last post today probably came across as very negative, and I've managed to shake off that negative vibe and just try to realize that you can only help those who want to be helped, not those who say they want it but don't, and next time I'll just walk away from it.

On to happier news. Yay, for us! DH and I finally finished the laundry room today. It has been bugging me for so long so I am very happy to be done with it. It is so nice to be able to get from the kitchen to the laundry room instead of having to go through my bedroom and then through the master bath to get there.

It's going to be so much easier to keep on top of the laundry now and to hang clothes on the drying racks as they come out of the washing machine.

The kitchen floor and laundry room floor got mopped today, too. It is nice to have a clean house again.

1 Responses to “Laundry Room is Clean!”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    ahhh a clean cleaning room!

    What is that deal about "to clean one things generally means you dirty up something else!"?? Ha! Know the feeling. Hubster was going to put up trim on my kitchen cabinets today, but in the meantime a whole cabinet had to come down which means that there are sacks of groceries now dirty-ing up my bedroom floor and the kitchen's a wreck!

    Good going getting 'er done!

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