Home > Avoidance


January 8th, 2007 at 12:26 am

I am on here posting so much today as I am trying to avoid cleaning and organizing my son's room. It is a disaster area and we are going to do some serious purging of old toys and clothes. He was given a big organizing unit for Christmas from his paternal grandparents but we can't even get it into his room to start! So, I suppose I should really go get on it and stop procrastinating. Who knows, maybe there is something e-bay saleable in there? Okay, into the breach I go.

7 Responses to “Avoidance”

  1. nitajaye Says:

    I thought about asking you to join my club Procrastinator annonymous, but i think i will do it later Smile
    Good Luck, If you are anything like me once in the jungle "go mode" hits and everyone better beware.

  2. Somerlyn Says:

    Isn't it amazing how many things we can find to do when we are avoiding something else.

  3. The Dollar Diva Says:

    I feel your pain .... twice. I have twins so double everything. I nearly break my neck every morning when I go in their rooms to wake them up.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:


  5. boomeyers Says:

    Hope you make it out alive!

  6. Amber Says:

    Good luck

  7. mbkonef Says:

    I just did my nine year old son's room with him over the holidays. He wanted to move is furniture around and I told him we would have to do a total clean and straighten up in order to accomplish it. It took us a couple of hours over 2 days but it still looks really good 1 week later (which is miraculous for him). I think getting rid of stuff he no longer plays with made the biggest difference cause it gave him room for the things he really does want to play with. Before he just had no place for everything - there was too much in the room for it to stay organized. I also came up with a great trick (at least it seems great to me.) My kids have multiple blankets on their beds but don't always want to use them all. If I fold them at the foot of the bed, they seem to end in a pile on the floor. If I fold them and put them in the closet up on the shelf, they want them back down where they can get to them. I cleared up some closet space and then folded each extra blanket to fit thru a heavy duty hanger. I hung them in the closet, including the sleeping bag which always seemed to end up on the closet floor. My son can reach them if he wants them but they are organized and out of the way. Only took me how many years to think of this!!!

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