Home > Temptations


January 2nd, 2007 at 07:56 am

Ever since reading a blog an hour or two ago that the person made French Dips for dinner, I have had a mad full on craving to go get a French Dip tomorrow from this wonderful restaurant down by the border crossing. They make what is probably the best French Dip in the state and I can't get the thought out of my head.

I don't have the cash on hand to buy one. I don't have the money in my checking account to buy one. I do have a credit on one of my credit cards for overpayment, but I don't want to use it. I'm trying to talk myself out of this, because it would be wasteful and I promised myself no eating out. Plus the French bread is white flour.

I hope I get over this by morning. I wish I even had the money to go get some London Broil and do it up myself. I can easily make whole wheat flour French bread in the bread machine. But no shopping until Friday. I'm not wasting the money right now.

My plan for tomorrow was to make some homemade no bean chili anyway. Which I have been wanting to make all week, but is a bit labor intensive. I guess if I get it started right after the kids leave for school the smells will permeate the house and overrun the French Dip thoughts. That sounds like a plan.

I also want to make up some hamburger buns. Basically use the bread machine to do the dough and after the first rise, divide the dough into six balls instead of 12 like I would for rolls, let them rise and bake them in the oven.

Ooh, now chili with crusty fresh hamburger bun type rolls, yes, that will wipe out the French Dip craving at its source.

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