Home > Laundry Room Day

Laundry Room Day

November 11th, 2006 at 10:20 pm

I successfully completed my closet the other night, it took until 1 a.m. but I did it. Just for the record I ended up with 2 paper grocery bags full of shredded paper, one milk crate full of other recylable paper such as magazines, envelopes, junk mail, etc. I had seven plastic grocery bags full of garbage (nothing gross, just a lot of plastic, packaging, those blow up plastic pouches they use for shipping. 3 empty Pepsi cans (not me, must have been DH), several water bottles, and a box full of cardboard. Oh, there are a couple of boxes DH needs to go through, but I'm not worried about those. It looks neat and tidy, so I'm happy. Plus I have a side of the bed to walk on again, the overflow was pretty bad.

Today the task will be to get the laundry room in order. It is not as bad as my closet was and is a bigger space. I need to make it accessible through the kitchen and not just through the master bathroom. I want to get the repairman out to look at the dryer but I don't want him traipsing through my bedroom and bathroom to get there. Mostly it is unsorted dirty clothes that need to go into hampers, childrens' toys that need to migrate back to the other end of the house, and a lot of cardboard that needs to be broken down for recycling.

It will be a no-spend day. We aren't going anywhere. I made really delicious cheeseburgers for lunch today. My trick is to add an ounce of plain tomato sauce to a pound of hamburger. Makes the burgers stay moist and yummy. Can't add more than that or the burgers will lose cohesion and you won't be able to flip them without them falling apart. Had them on 100% whole wheat buns (delicious)with slices of Tillamook cheddar cheese instead of the old Kraft singles. So good and completely natural.

I'm going to make turkey stock today. I have a bunch of neck bones, so I will throw those in my stock pot with water, onion, carrots, celery, parsley and salt and let it boil away today. Tomorrow I will make turkey noodle soup with whole wheat spaghetti noodles. Looking forward to that.

4 Responses to “Laundry Room Day”

  1. janH Says:

    Oh yum. And I just had dinner! Isn't it amazing how great a cleaned out closet makes you feel? I, too, have been cleaning out the laundry room. We need to repair the ceiling from storm damage and couldn't get around in there.

  2. baselle Says:

    Mommmm?! Can I have dinner at LuckyRobin's?

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sure, Baselle, its what? Only a three hour drive, LOL. Through the storm. Looks like we may flood again, but what's a little rain to a Seattleite?

  4. baselle Says:

    DH made fried chicken and mashed potatoes, so I'm actually good. Smile But if you do see a white buick (aka the cushmobile) the size of a boat, put another couple of burgers on the grill. Smile

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