Home > Changing Lanes

Changing Lanes

November 10th, 2006 at 07:48 pm

Entry 2 for today.

DH and I had a long talk on the phone last night and we have decided that because gas prices have gone back down and because both vehicles are still running okay that we will put off buying a new car.

So the new plan is now this:

Keep $500 in my ING account
Open a second ING account in DH's name and keep $500 in it
Keep $500 in local CU
Continue to add $10 a week to savings
Take the $65 we were putting in savings from the cable bill and put it on debt
Take anything I make from surveys, product trials and PTR's and put it on debt
Try to sell the Blazer
Put entire income tax return to debt
Put entire bonus to debt
Use rolled coin we save for debt
Use recycling money for debt

This was a hard decision to make because we both wanted to get a newer car. But we each weighed it and both came to the conclusion that yes, we want a newer car, but no we don't currently need a newer car. We do NEED to get the debt gone.

We struggled with this for awhile, the same way we struggled with cancelling cable. It was hard, but after the decision was made, it was clear it was the correct decision because we immediately felt better afterwards.

Debt reduction will be covered in Bringing Down the Evil Empire because the credit card companies behave just as badly as any other business that gets on my nerves.

4 Responses to “Changing Lanes”

  1. pjmama Says:

    Great job! I think you get bonus points for making the right decision and restraining yourself. That takes a lot more willpower than some may think... hehe, I know I struggle with it at times... Smile Keep up the good work!

  2. moneycents Says:

    Good for you Robin! Way to go!!

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Crush that debt instead of it crushing you! Way to go!Smile

  4. FG Says:

    Good decision, cars always come down in price anyway, so whatever car you want, its bound to be cheaper in 6 months time

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