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Savings Update and Goals Met!!!!!

November 7th, 2006 at 11:13 pm

2nd entry for today.

After I did my stint as a Looky Lou at the river I went ahead and drove to town to deposit those two checks into savings. I only had one way to go to town as the other two SR's are partially underwater. But the way I went is the way I normally go, so no big deal. If I could have I just would have gone to Everson, but of course main street is under water, well, not under water, but full of standing water so that branch didn't open. It's only a fifteen minute drive there. No, I went to Bellingham and deposited the $119 into savings.

So that brings the total in all my savings accounts to $1573.21. So I have achieved my two month goal of depositing $500 into savings by November's end, and my $1500 goal saved. This month will see an additional $1105 deposited for sure and I'm hoping to scrape up another $100 as well at the very least. So for sure $2678.21 by this month's end, hopefully $2778.21. I would like to reach $3000 saved by the end of December. Not bad for a girl who had $105 in savings in April and didn't know where she was even going to find $10 a week to save!

8 Responses to “Savings Update and Goals Met!!!!!”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Good work!!! Ta-da!!! Stay high and dry!

  2. moneycents Says:

    Great Job!

  3. jodi Says:

    Your progress is truely impressive - don't you just sleep better at night?? Smile Keep up the good work!

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Yes, you have done a tremendous job of getting blood out of a turnip!!! Way to go on all of your creative savings techniques!! It has been fun to watch your savings and financial confidence grow!

  5. baselle Says:

    Sweet! You go girl!

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    Thanks. I don't think I would ever have had the courage to even try on my own. This site and blogging have really changed my entire world.

  7. Broken Arrow Says:

    Congrats! Meeting a savings goal is such a great feeling, isn't it? Smile

  8. tinapbeana Says:

    way to go, lucky!

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