Home > Christmas Looking and a Very Big Rant

Christmas Looking and a Very Big Rant

November 4th, 2006 at 04:56 am

I went Christmas Looking today. This is a lot like Christmas Shopping, only without the actual bying of anything. I did a fair bit of Christmas Looking at Barnes and Noble and have a very good list of items that I think will do very nicely as presents. There was a series of drawing books that I would really like to get for my daughter. She's very artsy crafty, loves to draw and paint, and has some good instincts that I think these books would help channel along.

Found a, coffee table book, on castles that DH would drool over if he'd been there with me. He loves this sort of thing, it has pictures and architectural interest with both the insides and outsides and the art and interior design and the surrounding countryside. It is a real work of art.

Found a book on crocheting that I want so will give the name of that to Mom when she asks me what I want.

I looked at "stuff" at Costco while I was there to buy eggs, nuts, and cucumbers. There wasn't really much that caught me eye in the Christmas decorations. I have learned not to use exposed bulbs or holographic thingies with exposed bulbs in open areas or the rain just shorts them out within a day or two, so that cuts out a lot. I tend to stick with rope light structures mostly now.

I looked at "stuff" at Rite Aid, but they don't have more than half their display up yet, and none of their standee stuff at all. Rite Aid had the church I want the last two years, I am hoping they have it this year. I want to use it as a train station for our rope light train, as it looks like an old-fashioned train station as well as a church.

I looked at "stuff" at Fred Meyer, didn't like anything there, either. Sigh. Picked up organic nitrate/nitrite free lunch meat for the kids' lunches next week while I was there. Got myself some more Vick's Sinex nasal mist (a full $1.20 cheaper than anywhere else) and then signed over my first born at the pharmacy so I could get liquid Children's Motrin Cold medicine (in grape). It has sudafed in it so of course its behind the counter now, too.

Can I just say that I hate having to go to the pharmacy for over the counter cold medicine. It is so stupid. The meth heads are going to get their supply regardless, all they are doing is annoying the crap out of the rest of us with sickness. I mean the last thing I want to do is stand in another line after standing in the first line, to even find out if they have it in grape, because heaven forbid I come home with berry flavored, or bubble gum flavored, or horror of horrors, cherry. Then I have to fill out all my information in their little book, because they are too lazy to do it themselves (like at WalMart who enters it into the computer once so then all they have to do in future is put your license number into the computer and its all there), so that if I buy more than my allotted (sp?) amount of cold medicine they can hunt me down and search my cupboards for incriminating amounts of ibuprofen cold, sudafed, and dimetapp. Hmm, she has adult formula, junior strength formula, and children's formula! She's trying to buy them all at once. Over limit! Over limit! What does that mean? She must be a drug addict!

Or maybe she has a small child, a medium child, and an adult and they are all freaking sick right now. Geesh. Heaven forbid you try to stockpile medicine for the winter! Because it would be so much fun to run out in the middle of a cold and drag a whiney, feverish, germ-spewing youngster through the six inches of standing water and the torrential downpour to get another bottle. And after all that crap of being told they have Children's Motrin Cold, in grape, which is what I specifically ask for each time I ask, they hand me Children's Ibuprofen Cold, Kroger brand. "What the heck is this?" "Oh, its our generic store brand. And look, its in grape, just like you wanted." "No. I wanted Children's Motrin Cold." "Oh, we don't have that." ARGHHHHHH. Bought it anyway, but I tell you, as much as I normally love shopping at Fred Meyer, I will not be back for a loooooooong time.

I'm just glad the kids were with my mother. I had a hard enough time navigating today without them. Did buy a few more groceries as Haggen. Enough so I wouldn't have to buy any more this week.

7 Responses to “Christmas Looking and a Very Big Rant”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I havent bought cold medicine in a long time so I had no idea you have to go through all of that. It was sounding like a fun day up until your pharmacy visit!!

    I hope eveyone gets to feeling better soon!!

  2. yummy64 Says:

    I guess I'm used to going to the back counter for some meds, as the good ceodeine cough syrup and the AC&C (tylenol 1) has been hidden back there forever. Though, here we don't have to get the cold stuff from back there - not yet at least. And yes I have seen someone refused by the pharmacist. A badly dressed dude who was buying it for his "father" and his father needed a bottle a day. Ya right he did .. uh.. huh.. even I was rolling my eyes hearing this. The pharmacist was really professional but sheesh. Get a better story...

    And they've never made us give ID - sheesh, big brother is watching you.

  3. tinapbeana Says:

    some pharmacies keep coupons in the back: DH and i got claratin D @ the Target pharmacy counter & she had $3 off coupons back there with her. made it cheaper than the CVS store brand.

  4. somerlyn Says:

    I feel your pain. Between cold medicine and taking an airline trip I feel like a criminal and I haven't done anything but get sick and wish to go on a vacation.

  5. RB Says:

    thats unfortunate, hope everybody gets well soon

  6. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Sorry about the aggravating day! Christmas looking sounds like a grat concept though. I sometimes get books at Costco even though I have the 10% B&N card and get gift cards from people that I tend to put aside for shopping expeditions!

    As for getting multiple bottles I would go with wife/and or friends and have them buy the extra bottles! There is always a way past some of the daily lunacy!Smile

  7. paigu Says:

    Wow, hope you had a better day today!
    Dress warmly and keep your head covered! Majority of body heat escapes through your noggin.

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