Home > The House Feels Warm

The House Feels Warm

November 2nd, 2006 at 05:19 am

Entry # 6 for today

Boy, having that damper fixed is making a huge difference. Even my room feels warm and the heat from the wood stove never reaches my room. That's why I have a tiny little heater in my room. Well, that and I sleep with the door closed, as I can't have light on while I sleep and the kids sleep with the hall light on and I can still see it clear at the other end of the house. But it sure feels good right now.

Tobias caught a cold last night. He is all hoarse and starting to cough, his eyes are all baggy, he's a major crank box and he fell asleep at 5:30 on the couch for two hours. And then at 9:00 he didn't fight me about bedtime, just crawled in and fell right to sleep. Poor guy.

I guess I'll be taking him with me tomorrow for the oil change. I hate to do that, but it shouldn't take to long and I've already put it off about 3000 miles too long, just kept adding oil as needed.

2 Responses to “The House Feels Warm”

  1. jen-taylor Says:

    Hey Lucky Robin! Thanks for stopping by my
    Text is blog and Link is
    blog, it looks like you're really addicted to blogging as well!

    I've heard that on EU cars, oil change is every 8,000. While 5,000 on Japanese cars. Although everyone still says every 3,000. Which one is right? Are there 15-minute oil change stations near you?

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Well, I have an American Ford so I don't know. But I do it every 3000 miles normally because she is 14 years old and I want to keep her running well for a couple more years. Only this time its been 6000 miles. I don't know if there has been much difference but I don't want to go too long and find out.

    I don't normally post so much in a day, usually only once, though I comment a lot. I just figure that November 1 is the only day of the month I can show up on the most active blogs list before getting knocked off by the really active posters. Nah, just kididng, I just really had a lot to say today and the time to say it.

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