Home > Putting a Damper on Things

Putting a Damper on Things

November 2nd, 2006 at 02:31 am

Post # 4 today.

Okay, I admit it, I'm trying to be clever with my title but it just isn't quite working. But...I fixed the damper on my wood stove! So technically it is on. It's been broken for nigh on 8 years now. It's the kind with a knob you twist, not ones you push up or pull down. Well, I pulled the knob off today, realized a screw was loose, tightened it up, stuck the knob back on, turned it, and voila, the damper will now stay open all the way. Before it would only close or be open 1/3 of the way, which meant a lot of fighting to keep the fire going. I am a happy camper, not only because it worked, but because I did it myself.

Although a little annoyed with myself that I didn't think to do it sooner! But not that much. I spend too much time in my own head to be really annoyed with myself for long.

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