Home > 27 Days

27 Days

August 10th, 2006 at 12:30 am

I know because I counted. 27 days until school starts. Why did I count? Because if I didn't know better, if I didn't know that normally my kids are sweet, loving, good to each other children, I'd be thinking I'd given birth to demon spawn. I can survive for 27 more days. And hopefully the kids won't actually kill each other.

I do not know what has gotten into them. I had to threaten Rose that if she slammed her bedroom door one more time today I was going to take it off its hinges and she wouldn't have one. I know how to do it, too, and I will so its not an empty threat. Rose had already broken Tobias' door when she kicked it open so hard and it pushed the door stop right through the wall when she body slammed it after getting it open, so now T has a hole in his wall. That's going to cost money to fix. Plus, we will have to rehang his door and fix the latch.

I am at my wit's end. Rose never loses her temper. T can be a pain and get angry on occassion, but not Rose. Hormones, I think. I hate puberty.

Okay, got that out of my system for now. Thanks for the vent. It stopped raining (rained all day yesterday) and the sun is out now, but it isn't too hot. I have laundry to hang. And getting fresh air will restore my lightness of spirit for the next go-round. Back to the trenches.

3 Responses to “27 Days”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    I used to carry a screw driver in my back jeans pocket, so I could pop kids' doors off at a moments Surprised the heck out of them, which was what I was going for. If I had to do it more than once, they lot is period, and I hung a curtain over their door. Quiet curtain! We oft times looked a little tent city like, due to all the curtains!

    I used to count down for the first day of school too...........I made a huge paper chain one year, as a joke, and it became a tradition...the kids made me one each year after that.

    27 days can seem like a lifetime........this is my first year in 33 that I haven't been doing the countdown. I won't know what to do when the first day of school comes and goes here!

    Take care, grab some quiet time without the kids if at all possible.

  2. jacquelynrose Says:

    I agree you NEED your Quiet Time.

  3. carol Says:

    Seems like my two boys have turned into monsters lately too. It's down to
    six days, or one week from today that they start school. SO has done nothing to help, if anything, he has gone out of his way lately to do his best to make it as horrible for me as possible.

    It's taken a long time, and lots of reading and research on the Internet to figure out what has been so far out of balance with my "relationship" with him that I can't stand to live with him, and why I have been so depressed and miserable for so long. Narccist. Describes him to a tee and explains a LOT!

    I should have done this a LONG time ago, but I'm definately making plans to exit this relationship permanently. Giving myself best wishes on this hard road ahead.

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