Home > Savings, Doctor Appt., Free Food

Savings, Doctor Appt., Free Food

August 8th, 2006 at 06:47 am

Okay, I got the $15 in rolled coin deposited today and I cashed the check from SendEarnings. I put $2.85 of that check into savings and kept $50. I will pay that $50 and an additional $6 back to savings on Friday. Total in savings now is $575.85.

I also went to the doctor today. He doesn't charge me my copay, he just charges the insurance company what they pay. I love my doctor. He delivered me so I have known him all my life! He is a very good man and he always makes sure I can afford whatever medications I need.

Well, today I had a raging kidney infection. He does the lab work right there in the office and he says its the worst he's seen me have. I do get them a couple times a year, and this one did feel worse. The onset was very fast, too. Anyway, I ended up with only having to pay a total of $20 for 2 prescriptions, both generic at my insurances $10 copay for each.

Had a nice chat with the pharmacist. Love my pharmacist, too. I've known him since I was a kid. He always makes sure I know what I need to know about new meds and how the will or will not interact with any other meds I'm on. So basically, no interactions, take with food, stay out of the sun. The last of which I am only too happy to oblige right now. I just don't like 80 degree weather.

So all I spent today was that $20. I had a free dinner at my mother's house. Two double cheeseburgers from McD's. She buys them 20 at a time and has them on hand for Dad or when the grandkids stop by. Big meal for me but I didn't eat lunch. Then I went out back and picked some blueberries for dessert. Took a quart size Ziploc full home with me. I'll pick a bunch more on Thursday when we go in again. There's at least 10 gallons worth ripe on the trees right now.

2 Responses to “Savings, Doctor Appt., Free Food”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    A kidney infection is certainly unpleasant! It sounds like you have a nice Doctor though. Get well soon!Smile

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Thank you.

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