Home > Being Sick is Expensive

Being Sick is Expensive

June 21st, 2006 at 06:39 am

Today's expenses:

$15 co-pay for doctor's visit--Rose
$40 co-pay for brand name medicine--Rose
$15 co-pay for doctor's visit--Me
$40 co-pay for brand name medicine--Me
$ 5 co-pay for generic medicine--Me
$12.52 for Robitussin cold gels--2 packs--Me
$25 two types of ice cream (all natural), 2 bottles of 7-up, several boxes of Mrs. Grass Noodle Soup

Total damage: $152.52

I thank God we have health insurance on days like today.

1 Responses to “Being Sick is Expensive”

  1. arg1211 Says:

    I COMPLETELY understand. I had pneumonia this past April. Don't even get me started on those bills. I feel your pain, and am also thankful for our health insurance. Smile

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