Home > Earning More

Earning More

June 6th, 2006 at 05:32 am

I did four surveys today. Only one of them paid in money, the other 3 were all points, though one was a lot of points. I got my first survey invitation from ACOP today, that was the one that paid $4. Not bad for 15 minutes of pointing and clicking and about 50 words typed in.

Now that I have been paid by both the trial offer/survey places that I had made it to the cash in amount on and know that it is legitimate, I will go ahead and do some more offers.

I have to call two places tomorrow to cancel trial offers on their face creams. One made my skin red. The other was nice, but at $89 for a one month supply, I'm not switching to that after the trial is up.

I also need to cancel a couple of other autoships that I never got to when I first started blogging almost two months ago and went through my big cancellation frenzy, Feature Films for Families and Lifescript personalized vitamins.

Both kids are in school tomorrow so I can spend some uninterupted time on the phone.

My other plans for tomorrow are to do a ton of laundry if it is sunny (it cleared up this afternoon and was really nice for Rose's soccer clinic). It is supposed to be nice tomorrow, but I'll believe it when I see it. And maybe get some weeding done in the garden if my back will put up with it.

3 Responses to “Earning More”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    You're doing great with those surveys!!! Our weather has dried up-warmed up clothes are back on the line!

    Heres hoping for easy, quick phone callin tomorrow!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Well, its never easy making those calls, but at least its now done. And thanks.

  3. Aldeya Says:

    I did a few paid surveys here and there before but I never heard of ACOP.

    I see you already got paid for your first surveySmile
    Can you tell me a little bit about ACOP?


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