Home > Cable going bye-bye

Cable going bye-bye

May 15th, 2006 at 07:53 am

DH and I had a long phone conversation tonight and we have decided to cut cable. All cable. Not just down to the most basic package of all, but completely gone.

I forget who, but earlier on today (or technically yesterday as it is after midnight as I type) calculated everything the spent on technology and I thought what a good idea. Well, coming close to $2500 was not a nice feeling.

So I broached the subject to DH who has been kind of noncommittal about it up to now. Then I laid it on him, we were paying $780 a year, give or take some cents, for cable tv. And we don't watch all that much of it anymore. The kids don't watch much at all, just videos or dvds from the library.

And even though we both feel very weird about taking this step, not because we can't do it, but because it just seems so bizarre that we would want to, we are going to. It's been such a large part of our lives, our upbringings and all. When we first got cable when I was ten, it was like a whole new world opened up. But these days, that world isn't such a great place to visit and so many shows just aren't age appropriate and yet are billed as shows for kids.

Any series we want to see will eventually be out on dvd and any series that doesn't last long enough for dvd isn't worth getting invested in. We've had too many shows we liked yanked off tv over the years, so not much point in watching something, sometimes.

So we're taking the plunge. As soon as this season of Dr.Who is over, we are cutting the cord. As of June 1st, no more. Wow. This feels huge. But it feels very right.

15 Responses to “Cable going bye-bye”

  1. armywife Says:

    Wow.. 2500 on technology. I have yet to fully inspect this category in my budget. I commend you on your decision to cut cable. I would love to eliminate it as well because I see it as a major distraction for EVERYONE in my home. It's scary when a Robin Williams movie (RV) actually makes sense about how the family lifestyle is disintegrating.

  2. StressLess Says:

    I think it was my post you're talking about--glad if it was useful. And congratulations on saving $780! Wow is right.

    I noticed you left a comment on, and said you couldn't drop your cell phone service. I know what you mean--it's really a safety issue. Just wanted to give you a link to a good thread on Fatwallet about prepaid cell plans. Maybe there's some plan out there that would work for you and be cheaper. (We use Virgin Mobile, which is fine for us because we don't use many minutes and are close to home 99% of the time. But your situation sounds different.)

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  3. Homebody Says:

    There was a time when our children were younger that it would have been a good idea to give up cable, but now that it is just DH and I, I can't even think of it. If we gave up all cable we would get three channels, NBC, CBS and PBS, oh and I think they added Fox.

  4. eisor Says:

    I currently don't pay a cable bill because I live at home. But, I've definitely noticed over the past year that TV isn't a need in my life. In high school I would watch probably at least 40 hours of TV a week. I always thought I couldn't live without TV. Now, with college life so busy and a car to go places. I don't really find myself in front of the TV anymore. If I am, it is usually a movie anyways!

  5. mjrube94 Says:

    Wow what a big step. I admire you, because I don't think anyone in my family (including me!) could take it. That's great!

  6. veronak Says:

    I agree with you, when I was in a jam the first thing that was cut was cable. You can rent all the new movies for free at your local library and local channels carry some really nice programs

    Good for you

  7. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Please keep us updated on the impact this has on your family....I have a feeling you will report much more positive than negative!!

    I am looking forward to hearing your success....and I am sure you will be inspiring others to at least tinker with the idea!

  8. wixx Says:

    I grew up in a TV house. Parents had a TV in every room. I do not have cable because well if I did I would sit around and watch TV all day!! I do get 3 or 4 channels with rabbit ears and I do watch Lost. I also see some shows here and there while my wife is nursing the youngest, but Lost, Bones and House are the only shows that I really want to watch. If I have something better to do...I will do it. My parents are still slaves to the ir TV. They have shows that they watch pretty much every night and they are obligated to watch. Sometimes I feel bad about calling them after 9PM when my cell service is free because I am interupting one of their shows. They are a happy couple though as all of those hours watching TV is time spent together, and for them it works.

  9. fern Says:

    Congratulations! I went without cable for 2 years. I spent the many hours each night i ordinarily spent on platning myself inert in front of the tube and did things like: read, pay bills, play with the cat, etc.

    You'll find yourself becoming a lot more productive. Good for you!

  10. debtfreeme Says:

    this is a good time of year to do it too with the re runs happening in june!

    I did without cable for a long time and now seems to be addicted to it. I want to cut it out again!

  11. miclason Says:

    I've been without cable for 5 years now! won't believe the amount of time that frees up!...when we contracted the internet for the house, they offered cable, but, considering the one that has more time to watch is my 6 year old, I said NO! is very weird at the beginning, but, nowadays, I don't even think of it as a "sacrifice" ...

  12. Broken Arrow Says:

    You're doing the right thing. Good for you!

    I have no cable myself and am doing just fine.

  13. Princessperky Says:

    Been without cable, my whole live alone life..I missed it once in awhile, when nursing I get a bit bored, if I don't have a new book, and can keep my eyes open!

    But mainly I found that when I can find a show on the 4 chanels we get that is half decent I spend less time talking to my husband, and less time working on the house...

    I thnk no cable is good for me, I can always borrow the reruns from my friends, all of them have cable, Tivo, and whatever else they can get..or maybe it is satelite tv? or digital satelite? or whatever it is that has a billion and two channels of nothing to watch most days (hence the Tivo to catch the 3 good shows in a week...)

  14. Bibliobird Says:

    I'd drop cable in a second if DH would agree. But he is a TV person. I can't believe the cable company is charging $50 for basic family channels, no premiums. And most channels are horrible junk and many with bad reception. It's rediculous.

    I live in an area that doesn't have good radio stations so I got XM satelite radio. It's much better than cable tv and only $13 mo. or less, depending on the subscription length. XM has all the major news channels, drama, talk, and of course every kind of music. I save enough on electricity to pay for it by not turning on the big TV. Combine that with free DVDs and audiobooks from the library and who needs cable?!

  15. les idées d'économie d'argent Says:

    its quite a big step, congratulations if you can see it through... as an option there's always Freeview, some of the shows come on there.

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