Home > Selling the Blazer

Selling the Blazer

May 4th, 2006 at 09:39 pm

DH and I had a long talk and we have decided to try to sell the Blazer. I say try because I don't know if there is anyone out there who is willing to pay for a vehicle that averages 16 mpg during this current gas crisis. Under the cheaper gas days we probably could have seen $4000 for it, but now, who knows?

It is a luxury model we bought used and is in excellent shape and has been well-maintained but I think at this point we'd only get $2000 for it. But even with that, it would cut our insurance in half almost. And it would give us a start to our new (to us) car fund.

DH is in Alaska so much of the time that it is silly to try to keep and maintain two vehicles. We will keep the better car and use it as our trade in when we do purchase a new one in a few years. It gets just over 20 mpg and is more comfortable and easier to drive anyway.

1 Responses to “Selling the Blazer”

  1. markio26 Says:

    i am debating selling a few vehicles myself.. i own a total of 4. i am thinking about a motor scooter for the island runs...

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