Home > Saving on Thursdays

Saving on Thursdays

May 4th, 2006 at 08:06 pm

Today is the day of my electronic funds transfer, so there is now $10 more in long term savings, bringing my total to $195. $60 more until I can open an ING account and get the $25 bonus. I have to keep a minimum of $5 in this CU savings account to keep it open, so that's why it is $60 more instead of $55.

So I have six more weeks to go, although I may add another $5 tomorrow (payday) if there is anything left after the credit card payment and our own mortgage payment, and all the utilities.

I got our propane bill yesterday in the mail. It dropped from $262 to $167 and of course will drop much more this next time since the furnace is off now.

Not this time, but next time DH comes home we are going to start bringing in wood. We have to figure out who we need to get the permit from, but we are going to go out on one of the gravel bars by the river and cut up dead wood that has washed on shore during flood season. Just have to avoid salmon season.

I saw an ad for an online Citi savings account offering 4.5% interest. That might break my 15 year resolve of never doing any business with Citi. Hmm, I'll have to think on it.

It's another gorgeous day here in the foothills and windy, so I'm off to hang towels on the clothesline. Laundry never ends, does it?

1 Responses to “Saving on Thursdays”

  1. markio26 Says:

    good job! great ideas...

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