Home > Closing Out 2024--Net Worth and Retirement

Closing Out 2024--Net Worth and Retirement

January 1st, 2025 at 06:42 am

The last time I updated my sidebar my retirement sat at $174,400.86 for the combined 401K and IRA.  The total is now at $199,429.57.  It was almost at $200K, but there was a downturn in the IRA last two weeks.  I am seriously thinking about moving it over to the same company that manages the 401K and putting it in the same fund that doesn't seem so sensitive.  Anyway that is an increase of:

$199,429.57 New total

-174,400.86 Old total


$25,028.71 Rise since June 30th

That brings total retirement funds to $266,268.31.  So we have passed the 1/4 of a millioniare mark.  Wasn't sure we'd ever see it.  Next big goal is half a million.

Unfortunately our emergency fund is non-existant, as we had to put in a new furnace.  It went in yesterday.  We were without one for 3 weeks and just using space heaters, which was not fun.  Fortunately, the temperature at night never got below 40 outside.  Today it has dropped into the 30's so just in time, I'd say.  And we had to get tires, so the EF is down to $84.37.  Not the best number and I am far from happy about it.  But at least we could pay cash, which is far better than incurring debt.  And to be frank, I would have taken it out of the money we have been saving to fix the gutted bathroom before we would have taken on debt.  But this is what an emergency fund is for.  Now to rebuild it.

New net worth amount is now $299,243.58.  So not the $300,000 I could have ended on with just $1000 more, but oh, well.  I mean, I do have $15K in the bathroom fund and $1K in the anniversary fund, but those are sinking funds, so don't really count.  Net worth at the end of 2023 was $238,973.61.




$_60,269.97 Increase in Net Worth

The total in my 401K and IRA at the end of 2023 was $143,668.67.

$199,429.57 New Total

-143,668.67 Old Total


$_55,760.67 Amount of Increase

We contribute 16% and work contributes 5% match up to a $6000 max contribution for the 401K.  So that's pretty much it.

4 Responses to “Closing Out 2024--Net Worth and Retirement”

  1. Dido Says:

    Hey, that's really close to your $300,000 goal--congrats!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Yes, very close. I feel like it is close enough to call it done, really.

  3. Tabs Says:

    At that point, I feel like it's more a rounding technicality. Congrats on your milestone!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Tabs, yeah, I do, too. Especially since on the 2nd it did round up because the money that should have gone into the 401K almost two weeks ago, but was delayed by Christmas hit the account, which was almost $1500. So if they'd put it in the correct year, it would have been. So I'm counting it. Goal met.

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