My son checked on the internet provider for me a few days ago and they had a good deal come up if we put it on paperless autopay. It used to be they wanted it to come directly out of the bank account for that and I didn't want the cable company to have that, because it's like pulling teeth to get utilities and the like out of your bank account once they are in. But now they will let you do it on a credit card. They probably have for a while, but it doesn't say that until you get to the set up payment page. So we did that. We'll just add it in to the autopays line item on the budget.
Anyway, that dropped our montly internet bill from $122.23 to $86.43. That's a savings of $35.80 a month, or $429.60 a year. Not bad. Not a short time rate, either, a regular one. And our speed went up from 250 mbs to 350 mbs. I already notice a difference during peak times and am no longer getting those middle of the night drop offs when I am up with insomnia.
We also got mom to agree to drop her other internet service and just use ours instead since we got the new pod extenders so we have full internet range of the house now. It's silly for her to be paying for it separately. So that will lower her bills, too.
October 9th, 2022 at 09:18 pm 1665346715
October 13th, 2022 at 02:11 am 1665623474