Home > I Forgot This Was a Three Paycheck Month

I Forgot This Was a Three Paycheck Month

September 16th, 2022 at 10:05 pm

Anyone else having issues with the post tags and avatars not loading and captchas not working? I'd figure it was just the blogs being buggy as usual, but I had issues on my banking website today and youtube last night, all after the Windows update, so it is entirely possible it is just me.

After my little freak out earlier in the week, I realized it was a 3 paycheck month for us and that I am only $32.88 short to pay off our last credit card statement balance based on a typical paycheck. But when we get a month with a third paycheck, that month does not have medical taken out of it, it doesn't have life insurance or long term care insurance taken out of it, it doesn't have dental or vision insurance taken out of it, it only has 401K and the company's version of a debit card with $3K you get for medical expenses pretax at the beginning of the year and then they deduct the amount from your paycheck all year, but you can use it at anytime for any medical expense, including devices like canes, walkers, and nebulizers.

Anyway, that means this paycheck will be larger than normal. I don't know by how much. The last one was usually by $300, but I don't know what it will be with the new raise amount. However much it is, it will cover the shortfall so we won't pay interest. There will still be $812.92 charged onto the next billing cycle, but we can absorb that next month.

Usually we would have paid that off, too, this month.  We will probably have a couple hundred to pay towards that, just not all of it, but still, no interest will be charged.  Just no more erratic purchasing, only planned and deliberate ones, and we need to cool even those for a while. I will come back to tag this entry once they are working for me again. Just wanted to let you all know I did not screw up as badly as I thought I had.

1 Responses to “I Forgot This Was a Three Paycheck Month”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Glad you realized you have some extra money coming in. That's always good news!

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