So DH totally screwed up in telling me how much an hour his raise was. It wasn't $11 an hour, it was $1.10 an hour. Way to move the decimal point. And no, he didn't give it to me in print, he literally told me $11 an hour. So basically none of the stuff I thought was going to happen with retirement or savings is going to happen. It's a bummer. Hopefully he will also get a merit raise. $1.10 an hour doesn't even keep up with how bad the cost of living has gone up in the last two years. Better than nothing, though.
I did notice that if we could save just $66 more a payday into retirement we would max out, though. I just don't think I can swing it, not with the forced long-term care insurance starting. Maybe after we max out our Emergency Fund that can be something we work toward.
Our steer has gone to butcher. It has a hanging weight of 665 pounds. I have sent the check off to the farmer for the remainder, $1892.20. With the deposit, that means the beef cost me $2292.20. There is still the cut and wrap fee of .78/lb. Well, they say .78/lb, but it tends to be more like .78 per package and a lot of packages have more than a pound of meat in them. So while I do have $600 I left in the beef fund to cover it, it'll be $521.04 max and I don't think it will come to that.
Above that amount I had $254 left in the beef fund that I went ahead and moved to the hog fund. That brings the total in the hog fund to $647. As soon as I pay the cut and wrap fee at pick up, I will move whatever is left over to the hog fund, which will be at least $78.96, making that amount be at least $725.96 and probably a little more. My goal is $1000, so I will be just shy of 3/4 of my goal.
We continue to eat down the chest freezer and move things into the house freezer as things from there are used up to make room for the steer. It is coming along nicely. He said I should be hearing from the processing facility sometime in the next 11 days for my cut orders. I want as much chuck roast as possible, but not so much the other types of roasts except pot roast. I want all the round ground, we don't like them as roasts or steaks. I want all the sirloin tip roasts cut into steaks. And I want my steaks 3/4 inch thick not 1 inch thick. I can genearally get two extra steaks out of it per type that way.
I want all the soup bones, the fat for making my own tallow, and the liver, heart, kidneys, and tongue. We've never tried the tongue or kidneys before, so that'll be interesting. Organ meats are quite healthy for you. I'm a little squeamish about the tongue, but it is supposed to be quite good. I guess we will find out.
The special standing walker we ordered for DD arrived yesterday and it is really going to be a game changer for her. And it has a seat she can actually sit down on. Standard walkers are pretty painful for people with her conditions. It folds up easily enough that she can do it herself, at last for the time being. That was $248, but money well spent.
I can make do with the walker we inherited from FIL after he died for quite a while yet. I only use it on severely bad days where I have to go out of the house. Most days I am fine with my cane or if I am doing really well, without it. But as things continue to worsen, I would definitely like to get one like that as it is easier on the L-4 and L-5 area of my back. It takes up a lot less space when folded, too.
My referral for a neurosurgery consult finally went through so calling them is on my to do list for the day. Along with finally getting the drip line put in the raised bed with the tomatoes in it added and the last set of hoops and deer netting up. There is a lot outside that needs to be done and I am finally starting to feel like I can do some of it again.
I think I'm finally getting my sleeping straightened out. I've been falling asleep between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. instead of 3 or 4 a.m. and I've been waking up in the morning instead of the afternoon, so hopefully this will last. I like actually having a whole day of sunlight in which to live my life.
If I am feeling particularly ambitious I might try to plant some seeds in the garden. I'd really like to have some kohlrabi this year.
June 24th, 2021 at 07:29 pm 1624559374
June 24th, 2021 at 10:21 pm 1624569661
$11 is 2% of $550 - wouldn’t it be great to have that as an hourly rate?
Sorry the math didn’t work out.