I do have a bit of good news in all the upheaval of 2020. There will be a Christmas contribution to the 401K and a small bonus at DH's work. And I do mean small in comparison to past years. $500 after taxes is nothing to sneeze at and will go directly to the Emergency Fund. Unless DH works overtime between now and the end of the year the 401K contribution will be $813.17 because it is based on a percentage of hours worked during the year.
Starting next year they are going to start matching 401K contributions again, but not at 5%. At 2.5%. It's a lot better than the 0% they had to do for the last half of 2020.
I saw the doctor yesterday so I could get migraine medication and pain medication and do a blood pressure check. I got the flu shot for the first time in a couple of decades. I had a gut level intuition that this was going to be a bad flu year and they had the right strains this time. I don't know where that came from, but I have always found that I should follow that voice when it happens. I'll probably feel cruddy the next couple of weeks because of it, I always do, but that's the choice I made.
We also talked about my hip and low back pain and how it radiates he is suspecting a bulging disc, so once I am done with this entry I am going to go get an x-ray taken and see if there is anything obvious. I might have to do physical therapy again. I don't see how that will help as I am still doing all the exercises from last time. And 45 minute sessions to an hour with a mask on when I have asthma is going to be torture even if I use my inhaler first. I'll probably have to do albuterol treatments afterwards.
Then after I've put in my PT time for the insurance company I can get an MRI on my low back and hip area. It's a lot of hoops for this type of MRI. I hope they find something they can fix when all is said and done.