We paid of $10,750 on our last debt, the Monster Mom Loan. And that was only from April to the end of the year, as we weren't able to make any payments the first quarter of the year due to an $8000 hospital bill that nearly wiped out our savings.
We were able to pay all of our medical bills in full without taking out any more new debt or having to pay any interest. I did have to play with the credit card a little to manage that, but we paid it off before the interest would have come due. MIL helped us with a few of them, but we still paid over $20K out of pocket this year on medical expenses. I haven't figured out the full total yet as I am still entering things into the spreadsheet.
We found some doctors who took my daughter's medical issues seriously.
We have no new debt.
We have a fully funded medical account for 2019.
I started working on a novel and stuck with it.
We ate out far too much. Yes, it was due to illness, usually, but sometimes it was due to failure to plan. We spent an average of $200 a month on eating out. Some months nothing was spent at all, but the other seven months more than made up for that.
My weight loss was a general failure. Although I was doing well before I caught the plague, I gained back all I lost while sick.
Exercise went by the wayside as well due to a lot of inflammation. I am slowly learning what causes the inflammation and trying to avoid it. Sometimes it is food, sometimes it is repetitive stress. I hope to slowly reincorporate exercise again this year.
I can't think of anything else and am just barely getting this in under the wire of 2018.
2018 Hits and Misses (I Don't Like the Word Fail)
January 1st, 2019 at 07:44 am
January 1st, 2019 at 02:35 pm 1546353351
January 1st, 2019 at 08:29 pm 1546374555