Home > Emergency Fund Update

Emergency Fund Update

January 22nd, 2015 at 07:29 pm

$11,549.20 Beginning EF Balance
___,_20.00 Last week's and this week's auto deposits
$11,569.20 New EF Balance

I have done some figuring and we might be able to get around using the EF for house stuff by using money in the other funds instead.

$500.00 from Propane Fund
$300.00 from Property Tax Fund
$800.00 from School Fund
$200.00 from January 2016 Money Fund
+_70.00 from Dues Fund Excess
1870.00 Total

That would leave us with $200 in the Propane Fund and $200 in the School Fund. Property Tax is paid in full through April and with the house closing at the end of February we would not need to use that money to pay PT. However that is the last place I will take it from just in case the sale falls through. I would draw it from the other funds first.

2 Responses to “Emergency Fund Update”

  1. Kiki Says:


  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Oh, I added the $70 in at the last minute and forgot to change the total.

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