Home > $10K, Now What?

$10K, Now What?

April 1st, 2014 at 10:03 pm

So now that my Emergency Fund is sitting pretty at just over $10K, I have decided that my next focus is going to be on the Moving Fund. I will still add $100 each month to the EF, because my ultimate goal is to get it to $30K, but the extra monies that were going in there will now be diverted to the Moving Fund.

Ideally, I'd like to get the Moving Fund to $1000. That will cover the $300 we have to pay the HoA just to transfer ownership of a property in that development (though I am still going to try to fight that based on a spotless dues record since they only came up with it less than a year ago), and provide $700 for renting the U-Haul.

Currently it is sitting at $700. Interest of $6.81 hit my C1-360 account today so I am adding that to the Moving Fund.

$700.00 Beginning Balance
+__6.81 Amount Added
$706.81 Ending Balance

I have $293.19. My goal for the end of the month is to get the Moving Fund to $800. I will have the four $10 auto deposits to add to that, so need to come up with $53.19 on top of that from coin jar scrapings and survey money for April.

After I have completed the Moving Fund my next goal will to be complete the January 2015 Money Fund. Every year from around Christmas to some time in January, DH has 4 weeks of unpaid time off. Usually we use part or all of the Christmas Bonus to get us through that time. This year I want to be a little more prepared than that. I want to have $4000 ready in savings to get through that time period so we can use the Christmas bonus for something else.

Right now I have $2267 in the JMF. Between now and the end of the year I need to come up with $1733 to meet that goal. $900 of it will come from monthly deposits of $100 between now and December. That will leave $833 to come up with. I will hit my Moving Fund goal hopefully by the end of June, so will have six months worth of $10 weekly deposits to add to the Moving Fund. That will be an additional $260. So that leaves me with $573 to come up with by the end of the year, or approximately $95.50 a month.

I can usually scrape up about $50 a month between coins and $1's so I am going to have to figure out where that other $45.50 will come from. Maybe I will need to take the cash option on Swagbucks instead of Amazon gift cards. Well, I'll figure it out. Anyway, those will be my two priorities for this year.

7 Responses to “$10K, Now What?”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Nice! That sounds like a good focus for the money. Have you had any recent interest in the house you're trying to sell?

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Excellent plan! Those auto deposits sure help get you where you want to go.

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    LuckyRobin, this is totally another topic, but have your friends in NH who were struggling so badly gotten work or effective help yet? (I have a relative in similar position also in NH so it really stuck with me when you wrote about your friend.) Apologies if this is too personal. Please delete if you wish.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Sounds like you have some good plans for your extra money!

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    CJ--There have been people who have looked, but they don't have their financing in place. It is very frustrating because that seems to be the case every time.

    Joan--Yes, they did get help and then they found work. The wife is now running a small, independent bookstore and the husband is working part time now as well, with the possibility of going to full time this summer. They were able to get medical insurance that is mostly subsidized by the ACA at the start of the year so their medicines are covered now.

  6. Kiki Says:

    The planner in me loves the planning and forecasting you do!

  7. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Glad to hear that, LR.

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