$200.00 Property Tax Fund
$200.00 Propane Fund
$400.00 Vacation Fund
$700.00 Appliance Fund
$400.00 Moving Fund
1000.00 College Fund
__72.00 Water/Sewer Fund
+_95.00 Dues Fund
1000.00 Laptop Fund
$4067.00 Total Funds Money
Funds Update
December 16th, 2013 at 11:06 am
December 16th, 2013 at 02:05 pm 1387202701
I read an article about Angora fur the other day. Is that something you guys do as well? This article basically highlighted companies in China who were harvesting the fur inhumanely (it sounded brutal). But said there is a way to do it gently, but it takes much longer to get the same amount of fur. Some retailers have stopped purchasing Angora products due to the Chinese manufactures methods. I wonder if there is a market out there looking for humane angora suppliers?
December 16th, 2013 at 06:39 pm 1387219196
Right now we only raise meat rabbits. Angoras don't have a ton of weight to them and the maintenance of that fur is very high. It gets matted and tangled easily. It's not something I have time for at present, but have thought about once the kids are through high school I might consider one. Angoras are very expensive to get into with the lower end rabbits costing $100 or so and the high end champion ones costing upwards of $300.
December 16th, 2013 at 09:33 pm 1387229616