I am getting very frustrated with my body right now. This virus just won't go away. It's not full force anymore, it is better, but I'd like to breathe through my nose without having to blow it ten times first. *sighs*
My laptop stopped working again. The exact same problem that they supposedly fixed the last time. It turns on, but does nothing. And it won't work plugged into a monitor. So seems to me that the part they "replaced" they either didn't replace or didn't replace it correctly. Plus the fan isn't working.
So I'm using the back up laptop, which I hate because it is Windows 8 and has a touch screen, and a mouse that likes to randomly do whatever the heck it wants just to screw with you. Even if you turn off all that stuff. And of course I haven't saved anything to a flash drive in the past two days so my November budget and my rabbit kit weight tracking spreadsheet and my EF and HT spreadsheets were all updated yesterday, but I am sick and not thinking clearly and did not back them up.
DH is going to try a few things and then if he can't get it working temporarily enough to grab those things I need off the desktop, we'll have to pay for it to be recovered. But not repaired because it is still under the service contract. I just want them to really fix it this time. And I hope they don't try to give me a new laptop instead. I want my Win7 and my comfortable keyboard that can keep up with my typing speed. I don't want a new Win8 stupidhead touchscreen that will have a nervous breakdown in 5 minutes from the time you turn it on replacement.
Sorry to be such a whiner today.
I have had some expenses and need to do a payday report, but of course that will have to wait until I can access those things again.
I Can't Seem to Kick this Virus
November 5th, 2013 at 02:55 am
November 5th, 2013 at 03:52 am 1383623536
November 5th, 2013 at 08:36 pm 1383683802
We have learned the hard way that is is much better for us to have a local computer repair person fix a computer than try to get any box store to do it.
Don't know if you remember me posting about St@ples sending our laptop computer off for 3 weeks only to not be able to fix it right. DH took it to a local guy (very nice person) who fixed it in an afternoon.
November 6th, 2013 at 04:59 am 1383713954
That said, I really hope you are feeling better soon. Take care of yourself, and have a great cup of tea.