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Not Too Much Going On Here This Week

May 17th, 2013 at 08:30 am

Today (well, yesterday, it's after midnight) was the day of the $10 auto transfer to savings, bringing the Emergency Fund to $3652.32. That leaves me with $47.68 to come up with by month's end to meet my May savings goal.

I've been taking care of the newborn kits. They are just starting to get a tiny bit of fur so they aren't all pink now, but starting to turn white.

And we (mostly DH) put together this:

What is that? The base for this:

The rabbits are very happy in their larger grow out cages.

There is a rabbit expo on Saturday that we are going to. DD will be at an overnight and we are hoping to ditch DS with DH's parents for the day.

2 Responses to “Not Too Much Going On Here This Week”

  1. SecretarySaving Says:

    I love the pictures!

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    My son loves seeing your pictures of the bunnies. Big Grin

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