There is not too much going on in my little corner of the world right now. My son is doing MSP testing so there isn't even much going on with homeschooling this week.
We are awaiting the birth of Piper's new kits. It is day 28 in her pregnancy and they usually give birth between day 28 and day 32, so it's all up in the air which day she'll have them. She has made her nest but as of this morning has not pulled any fur yet, so I don't think it's going to be today. Since rabbits are born without fur, the doe pulls the fur off her underside to cover them with before she gives birth so it is the sign to watch for. Not only does that give them fur to be covered with, it clears the way for easier nursing for the kits.
Fortunately it will be cool the next few days. It was 80 on Monday which is not a good temperature for any rabbit, let alone a pregnant one.
I've managed to pull a few weeds, but the garden has not come any further than that. Now the DH is home, we should be able to get some work done and get things going.
Not much in the way of spending money this week, except yesterday and today I got DS Mcdonalds on the way to testing just because it was easier and more convenient that early in the morning. So $6 bucks each day and will likely do that for the next two days of testing.
He's done great so far, but the writing portion starts tomorrow so that may be more difficult for him. He would be great doing it orally, but MSP doesn't allow for that.
I'm way behind on reading the blogs here again. Hopefully everyone is doing well and having a nice spring this week.
Odds and Ends
May 9th, 2013 at 01:09 am
May 9th, 2013 at 05:11 pm 1368115897
May 10th, 2013 at 12:27 am 1368142021
May 10th, 2013 at 04:56 am 1368158219