Home > Meal Planning for the Week

Meal Planning for the Week

May 21st, 2012 at 05:30 pm

I meant to post this yesterday, but the internet ate my entry and I really didn't feel like doing it all over again, even though the bulk of it was just copying and pasting from a Word document. I made up my menu plan, actually I made up three week's worth of menu plans yesterday. I also spent some time exploring new recipes. I found quite a few that sounded delcious at

Text is and Link is

Cod fish
Baked sweet potato fries
Cole slaw

Fried Chicken
Mashed Potatoes and gravy

Ehtiopian Sloppy Joes
Text is and Link is (I may end up using stew beef in this instead of hamburger and making it more of a stew)
Naan bread
Green beans

Tropical Island Chicken Stir-Fry (the original recipe for this came from Taste of Home and then was adapted by Kristen at
Text is and Link is, but I am further adapting it and changing it into a stir-fry. It was just a grilled meat dish before.

Ribeye steaks
Cole Slaw
Leftover fruit (whatever needs using up)

DS is marching in the Ski to Sea parade and I don't know how long the day is going to be and we were hoping to slip down to Skagit County and get some more grass fed organic beef and bacon. So we might actually make our usual Sunday potroast today as we can stick it in in the morning and have it be done when we get home. Along with it we'll have canned corn and green beans.

If we have potroast on Saturday then we'll have bacon cheeseburgers, fried potatoes, and cole slaw.

3 Responses to “Meal Planning for the Week”

  1. Swimgirl Says:

    The Ethiopian recipe sounds great!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Sounds great! Very well-balanced. I was supposed to make naan Sunday night, but I didn't realize it had to rise for about 2 hours combined. Instead I found a quick flatbread recipe -- just mix flour, water, shortening, salt, baking powder and baking soda, roll out, and pan-fry. Turned out pretty good, and so fast to make. I can't figure out how to fry bread without the griddle getting really smoky though -- the same thing happens when I make homemade tortillas.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Swimgirl--Doesn't it just sound delicious? I was hesitant when I clicked on it, but then when I saw what it was I was all, "Yummy!"

    CJ--I am trying to balance. It really helps to write the balance into the food plan, otherwise I'll forget to add fruit and then no one will eat fruit that day! And I have to admit, I don't usually make my own flatbreads. I buy naan, tortillas, and pitas from Trader Joe's.

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