Home > Homemade is Better Than Takeout...

Homemade is Better Than Takeout...

May 13th, 2012 at 02:56 am

...or at least it is if you can cook. And cheaper, too. I was majorly craving fast food today, but I absolutely had no inclination to leave the house or yard and even less inclination to spend money. So what to do when you absolutely must have that most evil of burgers (the one with bacon)? Why make it yourself. If you're lucky you'll end up with something that looks like this:

And maybe even tastes like it. I tell you that grass fed organic hamburger cooked in the fat from the bacon from the free range pigs, sprinkled with onion salt and meat seasoning on a homemade bun with organic sheep's cheddar cannot be beat. Not even by the best burger joint in town.

Of course you must have fries with that, right? So I took three leftover organic baked potatoes, peeled them and cut them up, sprinkled them with salt and pepper, and fried them in e.v. olive oil (not organic, even I can't justify that price!).

And again, if you're lucky they'll turn out looking a bit like this:

And then add some of these:

and a couple of these:

in the blender with some all natural french vanilla ice cream to make one of these:

Total cost? About $15. Amount I would have spent getting the same amounts and types of food of lesser quality for the three of us? About $30 (milkshakes are expensive!). And there's one leftover burger patty for someone's lunch tomorrow or to crumble up as a pizza topping.

4 Responses to “Homemade is Better Than Takeout...”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    And you didn't invite me? :-). Looks delicious and the price was far easier to swallow.

  2. PNW Mom Says:

    I am impressed! It looks delicious!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Rob-Well, I do have that leftover burger patty. Big Grin
    PNW-It was amazing!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    looks great!

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