Home > Camera Questions

Camera Questions

May 10th, 2012 at 05:52 pm

I'm looking to get a new camera soon, within the next month or so, as DH's good free one that he got from work several years ago has inexplicably stopped working. The button you push to take pictures will no longer fully depress. I will take it into the camera store to see if there is anything that can be done. My own camera is so old that it can only do very short vid clips and the clarity of the photos, while state of the art at the time, are not nearly as crisp as even the cheapest digital cameras today.

So I was curious as to what the folks here on the blogs use? I just want to be able to take nice, clear photos and one minute vid clips. I don't need fancy lenses though I want the ability to zoom in or zoom out. Point and shoot is about where my abilities lie, so something simpler is better than something complicated. I don't want to spend a ton of money on it either, but I don't want to cheap out and not get a decent one either.

Right now I am pretty much confined to having DS take photos with his DSI and filching his memory card. That's okay for some things, but the aren't quite as clear as I'd like them to be.

I do like the idea of the slim cameras that you can fit in your pocket, but I've had no experience with whether those are a good camera or not. Thoughts?

9 Responses to “Camera Questions”

  1. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    I have a Canon PowerShot A590 - it has somewhat more than the usual controls over shutter or aperture priority, and even a setting for complete override on the automatic shutter speed/lens opening.

    It also has good DIGITAL zoom. That means on the 1.6 or 2.0 digital zoom setting, the photo will not lose clarity. The manual zoom (where the user spins a button to zoom in) results in less clarity on the photo. That said, you can combine the digital zoom AND the manual zoom for something like 5.0 zoom. I've used this on things like a ladybug holding still and got EXCELLENT results.

    I mostly use the auto setting though, as it takes just a good photo as I would. I use the manual settings for special situations, ie too much light for a bright long distance nature shot (where I close the shutter down a bit) or night time where I need to add light (open the shutter a bit).

    The layout of the controls is somewhat ugly, certainly not made like a sleek apple product. But I like the choices.

    I looked at the CNET reviews, they were spot on. But this model may not be available anymore.

  2. littlegopher Says:

    I've got the Canon PowerShot A720, and not sure if it's still available. I upgraded to this one for increased optical and digital zoom from an older Canon Powershot, when I was horrified by the potential cost of my oldest's senior pictures. I've taken my two oldest daughters senior pics, and plan to continue this tradition with my younger two. The pictures have turned out great. I love my Canon! (This one I have won't fit in your pocket though...)

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    DH's broken power is a Canon Powershot, though I am not sure what model number. I've been pretty happy with the photos it took and the camera overall, except I found the sheer number of controls complicated and messy.

  4. baselle Says:

    I like my Nikon Coolpix. $90. If you ever see a picture on my blog, that's the camera I used. Just a point and shoot, but it has a decent macro and a musuem (no flash) setting. The museum setting alone sold me ... very easy to be discreet with no flash.

  5. baselle Says:

    Oh yes, it does take video. With it, I took about 15 minutes of sister and I riding to Angkor Thom in tuktuks. No problem.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    I was looking at the Coolpix, though the one I saw was $129. Maybe there is a cheaper model or maybe it's gone up since you bought it. I like your photos, Baselle, they always seem to come out well.

  7. baselle Says:

    Ah, I got it at I've had okay luck with them, but others haven't. Or was it, or was it Best Buy?

  8. Looking Forward Says:

    I love my little Panasonic Lumix. Good pics and video. There are several models, thus a range of prices. I know Costco had one for sale.

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