Home > Missing Paycheck

Missing Paycheck

May 9th, 2012 at 01:15 am

So DH was going through his check stubs and realized one was missing for a date back in February. And his numbers were not adding up to where they should have been. So I checked with the CU and it turns out a paycheck was never deposited for that date. It was back in February and it was one of the two day paychecks. I was really sick then. That's the only reason I can think of that I didn't notice. Anyway, he's thinking the time sheet might have gotten lost in the shuffle of start up after a month long shut-down.

So he talked to his boss and his boss is going to figure out what happened there and how to submit for the lost time. The long and short of it is that eventually we'll get about $1000 net when they issue the missing paycheck that we weren't expecting. That would be enough to make the deposit on the grass fed beef and have a little left over for the freezer fund.

2 Responses to “Missing Paycheck”

  1. PNW Mom Says:

    Great job catching that!

  2. snafu Says:

    Great job, not many guys are willing to re-check figures. Hope Boss gets the paperwork done and the sum deposited to your benefit.

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